Wednesday, 9 July 2014

School Council hosts Annual Elections... for First Time in Over TwoYears

The TV screens of the school have been amok this week with hastily-put-together powerpoint slides about the oncoming School Council Elections, the first in over two academic years. The swift change of heart on the school's part follows an attack on the School Council's behalf in the Ham and High last week, over a rejection of a salient point, seldom made by the powerless few that call themselves the student voice.

The timing of the elections come at a most peculiar time, just two weeks from the start of the summer break, the elections supposed to be taking place at the start of every academic year (or September time, for those not well-endowed with the schooling year), at least, that is, according to a mandate set out by the Hampstead HSA team back in 2011 (where it is also disposed that a sum of £212.58 was allocated to the School Council for "printing and badges"). This means anyone 'elected' into office will do so just in time for the summer holidays, offsetting the gravitas of their new position slightly.

This is not the first time the democracy of the school has been questionable (for infrequent readers, the school's democracy is always questionable). The Trash has received word from a Year Councillor, a sentinel that is supposed to feed the qualms and wishes of their year to the School Councillors, that they were rather autocratically posted to their position by their Head of Year, without theirs or the student consent over the matter; forced into the job because the school thought them right for the job.

It doesn't take a genius to observe that the school's response to the public attention over their rejection of student views is to seem to be restoring democracy, and crudely calling an election all-of-a-sudden. In spite of this, the Trash has obtained the leaked early-election results, listed below:

School Council 2014
Year 7
Abdi (7.1) and Abdi (7.5)
Year 8
Abdi (8.2) and Abdi (8.6)
Year 9
Abdi (9.3) and Abdi (9.7)
Year 10
Abdi (10.4) and Abdi (10.8)
Year 11
Abdi (11.7) and Abdi (11.8)
Year 12
Abdi (12.4) and Abdi (12.6)
Head Boy and Head Girl
N. O. White & R. A. Scism

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