Tuesday, 18 November 2014


Continuing the tradition of the school's most forgettable observed religious holiday, next week is Drop Everything And Read week. Despite the body count from the Food Tech and DT departments last time this was tried, His Greatness has instead let students be read to from his little red book.

The book in question, The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips seems to be about some sort of cat, and knowing the Michael Morpurgo format, is about some conflict in history, but instead focuses on some village full of weirdos and some animal that people care about way too much (Disclaimer: I have read a total of 2 books by said author).

However, to top this, the Ministry of Propaganda has issued an instructional video to students, explaining how to use a book, as the English Department has evidently not. However, this propaganda film is almost entirely ripped off from an IKEA advert of the same ilk. All of the script, save for a few ad-lib'd in references to our Dear Leader, and the same graphics used in the advert.

You can watch the original IKEA advert here. It is seemingly a parody of iPhone adverts, which the school may or may not have gotten the memo about.

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