
Saturday, 2 August 2014

Every Typo Counts

We handed the ETC II over to ex-English teacher, P. E. Dant, for summer marking. We asked him to raise issues with the bare bones of the articles, and raise constructive criticism. And this is what we had back:

Various Creative Pieces
It seems a tad weird to introduce the section, and saying that you "can see [readers] have chosen the
creative writing column". There is a certain chronology to a magazine, as there is to many written texts, that means landing on a column if you are reading said text is nigh-on inevitable. Equally, don't finish with ellipses followed by a colon; pick one.

The following four pieces of writing seem to be written in centred text, with the exception of one, which switches to left-hand-aligned text halfway through. Don't do this; you are not writing a title or a poem.

Jesus, you can tell some of these pieces are written by miserable teenagers who like their TV fanbases slightly too much.

The last one isn't really a story, more of a character profile that I assume is in some relation to the Cruella who stole 101 dalmatians.

I would have thought that there would have been an extra ingredient in the Brownie Recipe, which is usually found in the Ecology Area.

Various Reviews
When talking about being given a ruining spoiler, it is usually in good sport not to then give the spoiler, especially in a book review. In equal compare, it is bad form to use 'inevitable' and 'inevitably' in the same sentence, especially when discussing something that may or may not happen. Please look up this word.

Apart from the general bad formatting, which is a theme, or rather, is bereft of a general theme, throughout the entire magazine, and the fault of whoever edits the publication, the remainder of the Entertainments writing is passable.

Overall Evaluation
I would have to say a lot of the problems are those of the editors. It is their job to make sure all articles are not sub-par, which is currently not being achieved. Also, the constant change in colour schemes, fonts and styles is disconcerting in the least for any reader, and makes for a shabby appearance. If there were a creative director appointed to the publication with any vim and vigour, they would go about making one page look like it came from the same magazine as the next.

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