
Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Astro Votes No!

In the recent referendum, the region of Astroturf voted No, with 66% of the vote (2 votes), to Yes at 33% (1 votes) from a turnout of 2. The Head thanks the Maths Department for helping count the votes.

Didier Poisson, Yes campaign leader, resigned after his loss. However, he wrote a lengthy article to be published in The Astro Buzz and Turf, ETC. An excerpt can be seen below:
"This vote has shown there is a thirst for Independence in our proud nation. This is our turf. Our Green and pleasant land. I am hopeful that one day we may move away from the tight grasp of Westenglishblockster and into the cold, bright light of being apart from our oppressors. People say that the grass is always greener on the other side; in this case it is entirely true. One day I will be Lord of all the Wee Tim'rous Beasties of the Earth and Kippers of the Sea, conquered of Hampstead in General and Back Cage in Particluar, and the last king of Astro. I also remind the head of his promise to greater devolution for the people of Astroturf in return for a no vote."
RadioHead Iwishiwas Szpecialkowski has dismissed these claims of promises and deals of autonomy for the Astroturf in the case of a no vote as "mad writings."

DISCLAIMER: This article is written as a spoof, the thought of any democratic process at Hampstead is laughable.

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