
Wednesday, 23 March 2016

BetDO3 - Inspection Special

With an inspection on the horizon, the odds are in from Hampstead's own betting company. As well as informing children about Awareness Awareness Week, screens in school have been projecting the latest chances for students to win big, via a holographic talking Head.

Increasingly larger and more abstract-messaged banners to go up around school. 2/1

Teachers to receive more and more frantic emails from Management about uniform. 1/1

Hastening of shirt-tucking to cause mass friction burns. 3/1

Head admitted to hospital for muscle strain after heaving his face into a Gordon Brown-esque smile for the duration of the inspection. 2/1

Students asked to give evidence to inspectors having no opinions beyond 'yeah' and 'it's nice, I guess'. (no odds required, this is a near certainty)

School to remain a 'good' school despite teaching being largely outstanding. 1/2

View of Hampstead presented to inspectors to be a genuine perception of the school. 1000/1

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