
Tuesday, 22 March 2016


As well as planning to force all comprehensives into academies and meddling with the school funding formula, the government has decided to make schools having parent governors optional. Whilst the Education Secretary has said that parents being involved in the working of a school is a good thing, the Department for Education is forging on with plans regardless.

So, why is such a move a problem? Well, for starters, parent governors are a very easy way for parents (and by proxy students) to hold the Management and the Headship of the school to account. In a school, the Head is responsible for the education of the parent's children, and so they should be able to monitor such education. Without parent governors, the only people who are keeping an eye on the school Management are local councillors (who don't care, because it's like jury duty for them), other members of SLT (who don't care, because it's like jury duty for them), and teachers (who are too tired and/or suppressed to do anything).

That said, Hampstead, along with many other schools, could keep their parent governors when the new plans are implemented, however given the dim view parents had taken of the Head over the Trashgate debacle, it wouldn't surprise us if he was raring to scrap them.

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