Monday, 18 November 2013

New School Council Chairman Oversteps Role

The newly democratically appointed (we say democratically appointed, but that's like saying Putin is democratically appointed) Chairman of the School Council has spent the entire School Council budget and Rights Respecting budget on, you guessed it, chairs.

The bulk order arrived today (see photo, below) as some 40,00 chairs arrived on Hampstead soil, bringing the number of chairs to benches to 1 in 2. The news follows the same pattern as last year, when the School Council expended theirs and the Rights Respecting budget for the famed Dalek Bins, closing up 83 points in the 100 bins index, making the Benchmark worth 1 bin. When asked to justify the alleged over-spend on chairs, a spokesperson for the Council, said that "Every Child has the right to slightly uncomfortable, slightly too low plastic seating".

The Chairman, Abdi who wished not to be named, released the statement later today, which said the new chairs were to replace the 'good' chairs with 'outstanding' ones. We here at the Trash don't think he has a leg to stand on.

DISCLAIMER: This Hampstead Trash article has been written to critique the actions of the governing bodies of the school. To satirise true events, some characters or events within the article may be fictitious.

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