Thursday 22 January 2015

But a Pen Doesn't Have Spellcheck

As many will know, in the past week Trash HQ was raided by Ingrish State insurgents. The attackers were armed with BB guns and a frankly hazardous looking CaterLink pizza, and killed off one of the fictitious writers we have been meaning to kill off for a while.

In memory of those that we lost (and all those very real satirists who were lost in Paris, and all the subsequent innocent lives) we tried, and failed, at doing some cartoons.

A sketch of Abdi (Pizza Be Upon Him) holding a sign
that reads "Je suis Abdi". This was because people
kept thinking he was a different person by mistake.
One of the dead satirists was our very own Drew Peacock,
who we thought we would honour with a sketch of the man
The French department have capitalised upon the popularity of the #JaiCharlie #JetaisCharlie #JeSuisCharlie hashtag by using it to teach students the present tense form of etre without using Google Translate. All together now:
  • #JeSuisCharlie
  • #TuEsCharlie
  • #IlEstCharlie
  • #ElleEstCharlie
  • #OnEstCharlie
  • #NousSommesCharlie
  • #VousEtesCharlie
  • #IlsSontCharlie
  • #EllesSontCharlie
It is rumoured that the Spanish department are eagerly awaiting some sort of popular hashtag to capitalise upon like vultures, seeing as the average Year 7 has the Foreign Language vocabulary of 140 characters.

DISCLAIMER: Read this and scratch up on your Google Translate skills. Look at article 3, 18, 19 and 20.

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